As the world continues to heat up, some NHL team names will no longer make sense. The Colorado Avalanche might as well become the Colorado MudSlides while the Minnesota Wild will be forced to become the Wildfires. Love the name of your team? Then don’t let climate change change it.


Logos of the Future

For select teams, the NHL will reveal “alternate” logos & jerseys that reflect the coming reality if climate change is not stopped.

Colorado Mudslides

Minnesota Wildfire

Dallas Smog


O.T. (Outta Time)

If an NHL game isn’t decided in regulation, the teams still have extra time to figure things out. Our planet won’t be so lucky. During this campaign, when a game goes into O.T., it’ll become an “Outta-Time” display. Dramatic lighting, on-theme video ice projections, and matching jumbotron graphics will illustrate how these teams—and our planet—will look when our time’s up.


Making Concessions

The NHL will now prohibit the sale of bottled water within their stadiums. Instead, teams will sell reusable cups that are thermal activated. When empty, the cups show the future team name and logo if climate change is not stopped (Wildfire), but once filled with water, the logo changes to the original (Wild), illustrating how filling up reusable cups literally helps to save the team names. 


Wildfire Hose

Instead of giving the people what they want, we’re going to give them what they, and the planet, need. We’re replacing t-shirt cannons with “Wildfire Hoses” that shoot out packets of tree seeds in an effort to start planting, and planning, for a better future.


Eco-Friendly Team Travel

Air travel in between NHL games is disastrous for the environment. To do our part in helping save the team names, we’re cutting down on plane use as much as possible. For games where the distance of travel is 500 miles or less, our teams will now ride in an eco-friendly, all-electric buses.

AD: Ky Ceresa

CW: Tilden Lincoln